Dec. 16th 600 Yd Match Results

The Clubs December match had a fair turn out Saturday.

Dec. 16th 600 Yd Match Results

The clubs December 600 yard match had a fair turnout on Saturday, with a total of 11 shooters. The wind was a little challenging with speeds of 7 to 8 mph out of the north and quartering just a bit. Even with that, everyone shot well. Lawrence Burr won the Unlimited with a score of 199 and 14 X’s. Art Walton won Tactical class with 193 and 1 X. Chuck Gugelman won Sporter class with a score of 185 and 4 X’s. A good time was had by all.


Lawrence Burr19914
Steve Whitney19913
Richard Keene1998
Cal Richardson1989
Jeff Beck1989
Mike Porter19611


Art Walton1931


Chuck Gugelman1854
Joe Mureck1782
Matt Waring1650