Oct. 21 600 Yd Match Results

Richard Keene won the Unlimited category with a score of 200 and 13 X’s. Ernesto Cibrian won the Tactical category with a score of 176 and 3 X’s. New shooter Chuck Gugelman won the Sporter category with a score of 179 and 1 X.

Oct. 21 600 Yd Match Results

Oct match group

The second match of the HP Rifle and Pistol Club of Yuma is in the books. We had a good turn out with 11 shooters, 7 in unlimited, 2 in tactical, and 2 in sporter categories. The wind was light at 3 to 4 MPH and just a little twitchy.   After the targets were set up we went to the 1K yd line and had the safety briefing, then drew chips to see which targets everyone was assigned to. We then set up at the at the 600 yd line and started shooting at 7:30. We welcomed 2 new shooters to the match. Richard Keene won the Unlimited category with a score of 200 and 13 X’s. Ernesto Cibrian won the Tactical category with a score of 176 and 3 X’s. New shooter Chuck Gugelman won the Sporter category with a score of 179 and 1 X.


Richard Keene20013
Steve Potter19911
Cal Richardson1997
Jeff Beck1987
Mike Porter1977
Trevor Ardron1973
Steve Whitney1968


Ernesto Cibrian1763
Dan Bogan1640


Chuck Gugelman1791
Ron Foster1720