Sept 23 600 Yd Match Results

Jeff Beck won the Unlimited category with a score of 200 and 14 X’s.
Ernesto Cibrian won the Sporter category with a score of 190 and 3 X’s.

Sept. 23 600 Yd Match Results

We had a fair turnout with 9 shooters for the first match of the season. 7 shooting unlimited and 2 shooting in sporter categories. The conditions were very good with no wind, the flags didn’t twitch. Jeff Beck won the Unlimited category with a score of 200 and 14 X’s. Ernesto Cibrian won the Sporter category with a score of 190 and 3 X’s. Everyone shot very well. Good shooting.


Jeff Beck20014
Lawrence Burr20011
Richard Keene19913
Steve Potter19911
Cal Richardson19812
Steve Whitney19810
Mike Porter1945


Ernesto Cibrian1903
Brian Miller1872